There is something on the horizon

Apr 23, 2023

Hey all!

Its already way too much time since the last update in December and I'd like to update you on the current progress.

The players in the closed alpha were busy reporting bugs and problems and I was writing tests for the game and it feels like become more stable. Because of the number of problems I've been working on I had to pause sending out the keys way earlier than I expected.

Things are now starting to look more stable and the most critical things are fixed now, I'd say, theres unit tests for around 40% of the backends code (which is the critical ones) and around 15% of the games features are now having integration The UIs is partially unit testet, where primarily central game logic is having tests now. The majority of the applications etc remain untestet for now, however when bugs occur I'll add tests for them so they are not showing up again.

I plan on building up these tests as a continue working on the games code because adding all the tests (especially in the UI) would be a year project for a sole developer.

Additionally I've moved the last game logic from the old backend over to the new one, which enabled me to remove a few thousand lines of code from production that are now less of a reason for errors.

This now marks a new phase where I'm feeling confident now again to invite new people. I expect there to be still quite a few problems but the major game breaking things should be fixed.

Thats so far about the current state of the project but theres one more thing I'd like to talk about today!

In the last 4 1/2 years I've been working on hackero as much as I could, adding new features, extending the gameplay and making sure that everything is working as intended. There were some drawbacks as well, when I had to scrap whole features or refactors, but I'm pretty happy of what the game looks like today.

For the first year the following logo decorated the landing page of hackero until July 2020:

Hackero Logo (2019 - July 2020)

From July 2020 until today this is what we all identify the game with:

That's 3 1/2 years

and it is time for a change

Say hello to to our new Visual Identiy
