
With the help of logging you can check for different events that happen on servers. All logs are placed inside a log folder of the server. This folder can have different files for different applications!

To be able to collect logs on your own server a logger must be installed. you can find these on other servers.

As an example a bank logs all suspicious activites on one of their accounts in a file called hbicin the logdirectory.
Uploading or downloading files generates entries ina system file.
Activites can also add log files to different folders in the system.

Editing a logfile is simple, since they can be edites just like any other file with the notepad command in the terminal. So always make sure to hide your traces!
The following events generate an log entry

  • exploiting an server or bank account.
  • uploading / downloading files

More events like creating an bank account or exploting an bank account will be added later

In the future it is planned to make the log directory configurable, and therefore it gets more difficult for a hacker to find out which files to edit.