Server Users
With the new architecture, one of the first mechanics I’d like to showcase is server accounts. Originally, servers only had one user you could log in as (root). This provided full access to the entire filesystem, process management, and more. This will change in the next release.
The new system will allow more than one user per server (up to 10, with one always being the root user). These users will have different sets of permissions regarding what they can do. For example, a normal user cannot stop processes and can only end jobs they started, while the root user overrides these permissions. Therefore, it’s advisable to become root if you want to cause as much damage as possible and access files that may otherwise be hidden.
You can create new users using the terminal:
And also switch between the users if you have permissions:
Remote sessions can now also use these different users (e.g. you can now do ssh foo@ instead of root@
Theres right now two different permission groups that exist
Group | Modfiy Files and Folders | Manage Processes | User Management |
User | Requires right permission for folder | Only owned | Disallowed |
Root | Everything | All | Can create and delete them |
Users affect the filesystems as well. This is one of the major technical changes with the new architecture. Previously, the entire filesystem was loaded into the UI when a connection to a system was made. Now, folders are streamed on demand as they are accessed. This change allows for setting permissions on folders, thereby restricting players from accessing certain areas. More details on this will be shared in a future post.
Further reading:
That’s all for now.
You can learn how the new architecture is different and how this works here:
And also you can find the anouncement post here: