An Update from the devs
Hey all, sorry for not giving an update for that long, I've had a really hard time in the last 6 weeks. I do not want to go into detail but I'm really sorry for not giving any updates.
First of all I've read all your messages eventhough I did not respond. I also know the E-Mail address is offline, I'll bring it back up in the next few days. sorry for this..
I know that a lot of you are upset, and annoyed by my way of handling this. I'm really sorry for this, but it is the first time I'm doing something like this.
Also I know that there are other projects building similar games, and guess what I've already tried some of them. All of them are solid and a lot of fun, so if you are sick of hackero I'm not mad, you can play them.
But back to topic, I wanted to give you an honest update:
Since is more a passion project, I've initially created to learn more about some technologies, than something I wanna get rich which, I cannot put the same time into it as I would into my work. Therefore progress is much slower than in other projects. Also i've pushed forward into the wrong direction by changing the to a different architecture wich just lead to problems. I will return to the old architecture but will keep the learnings from the new one, and will extend the old infrastructure with what worked well in the new one. But this also means that the game is currently in a state that is unplayable.
I think the important thing is that I'm still working on, I still wanna make this a game people have fun playing with and eventhough if its at the end just 20 people having fun it is worth it. The number of signups shows me, that people are interest in this, since its now already more than 1000 people, so I will definetly continue developing it.
Also if there is anything you would like to know please send me a message to or send a discord message to spacecow in the discord server, even if its just that you want me to remove your email from the database, or you want to have an update on the game. I will answer them all, but please understand, that first I need to answer all the other emails I've got in the last weeks.